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Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disorder

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Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disorder

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What are the common symptoms of SCID?

  • Chronic skin infections
  • Yeast infections in the mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Infection of the liver
Photo by annszyp

SCID is found almost exclusively in males because it is X-linked. Is not specific to a certain population.

The average age that babies are diagnosed with SCID is usually over six months because of recurrent infection and failing to thrive. Also when you have a weak immune system are unable fight even mild infections.

SCID is caused by a mutation in the genes that encodes a protein called adenosine deaminase (ADA) and also there is a variety of other genes defects.

Currently there is only one cure that is a bone marrow transplant, which will provide a new immune system to the patient.


  • It is considered to be the most serious Primary ImmunoDeficiency Disease (PIDD).
  • There is a wide range of viruses, bacteria and fungi that are normally controlled by a healthy baby’s immune system can cause serious infections in SCID babies.
  • If undetected and untreated, SCID typically leads to death.
Photo by __andrew