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Severe Combined Immunodeficiency

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Severe Combined Immunodeficiency is a group of genetic disorders that causes abnormalities in the immune system. This makes the victim unable to fight off infections.

In it's most common form, SCID is in the X chromosome and only affects males since they only have 1 X chromosome and not 2 like women. But in rarer cases, there can be other causes for SCID.


  • SCID's most common form only affects males.
  • It does this because males only have 1 X chromosome
  • It is passed down from the mother since she has 2 x Chromosomes
  • But in very rare case, a women could be born with SCID


  • Increased susceptibility to infections at and early age
  • Example: Strep Throat, gingivitis, ect.
  • If left undetected and untreated, the child will die within the first year
  • The only options are let it die or give it a sterile environment


  • The child, in order to survive, would have to live in a sterile place
  • The doctor could give it antibiotics to help fight off an infection
  • The child could receive a stem cell transplant that could help rebuild the immune system


  • David Vetter lived his whole life in a sterile environment
  • NASA even made a suit for him so he could go outside
  • He died at the age of twelve after a Bone Marrow transplant