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  • She is in high school
  • She came here in 2nd grade
  • From Tak, Thailand
  • Came here with mother, 2 brother and her sister

Shay lay paw came to the United States to have better schooling. They left their home in Thailand because there wasn’t too schooling and they didn’t live in a good home.

Shay-Lay-Paw and her family landed in Utah. They lived in Utah for a few months. They went to Michigan to a family to be taken care of. Because it wasn’t good for her siblings and her to live with their parents.

They then went to Connecticut, because the people they were living with wanted to adopt them. So they went to Connecticut to get help. After they got help they went to Minnesota to permanently stay.

Shay lay paws dream is to have a beautiful family and one day to go back and visit tak, Thailand.

Tak, Thailand

Thailand wan known as Siam until 1939, Thailand is the only Southeast Asian country never to have been colonized by a European power. A revolution in 1932 led to the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. After the Japanese invaded Thailand in 1941, the government split into a pro-Japan faction and a pro-Ally faction backed by the King. Following the war, Thailand became a US treaty ally in 1954 after sending troops to Korea and later fighting alongside the US in Vietnam.

Thailand is a destination country for men, women, and children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking, victims from Burma, Cambodia, Laos, China, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, and India, migrate to Thailand in search of jobs but are defrauded into labor in commercial fishing, fishing related industries, factories, domestic work, street begging, or the sex trade. Some Thai, Burmese, Cambodian, and Indonesian men forced to work on fishing boats are kept at sea for years.

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Green Card Voices, www.greencardvoices.com/videos/.

“The World Factbook: Thailand.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 1 Feb. 2018, www.cia.gov/library/publications/resources/the-world-factbook/geos/th.html.

Thi Lo Su Natural Hideout Tak Thailand Travel Guide, www.patongresort.net/thi-lo-su.php.

Map of Thailand and Provinces, donslifeinthailand.com/Map_Of_Thailand.html.