Social Structure
Nobles, Craftsmen, Traders, Farmers, Slaves
- Nobles
- Craftspeople
- Traders
- Farmers
- Slaves
This painting shows social structure because there is a royal in the painting and also servants on either side of him.
This artifact was from the Shang dynasty because it shows a ruler with servant, or slaves, beside him.
The Social Classes:
1. Nobles were the highest class after the ruling family. They often provided soldiers for the king. Nobles also lived in luxury.
2. Craftspeople did not include many people. It is made up of people who create weopons for the Shang warriors.
3. Traders traded mostly goods. They used cowrie shells as money. The shells were valuble because they came from far away places.
4. Farmers were the largest social class in the Shang society. They grew wheat, fruits, vegetables, etc. They grew crops on the land of nobles or the king. They used mostly wooden and stone tools to farm. Although they might grow lots of crops, they were only allowed to keep enough to feed their family and themselves.
5. Slaves were often captured in war. They spent most of their lives working for other people, building buildings and tombs. When their master died, the slaves might have been sacrificed so they'll could serve their master in the afterlife.