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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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My AR book is Shimmer

The author of my book is Alyson Noël

The Genre of my book is Fantasy

The setting of the book is Wyoming.

5 characters in my book are:
Riley is 12 years old. Riley die in a car crash. :(

Bodhi is Riley's "guide". Bodhi is also part of the council.

Buttercup: is Riley's dog. Buttercup also died in the car crash with Riley.

Rebecca was a daughter of a former plantation worker. Rebecca was murdered during a slave revolt in 1733.

Prince Kanta is a Prince. He was a former slave

I think the theme of this book is to keep your friends close and your enemies closer this is because yes, she did save her friends

The conflict in this passage is that Riley's dog, Buttercup, and Bodhi were taken by Rebecca into her dark world, and Riley has to get them out.

The resolution of the story is that Riley and Prince Kanta went into Rebecca's world to go find Buttercup and Bodhi and free them.

The summary if the main events is that Riley and Bodhi were having a fight and then they saw this girl (well Bodhi and Buttercup did.) Then they went into a magical transept and couldn't get free so Riley didn't know how to save them and next Prince Kanta came our of like nowhere and then he did some unpredictable stuff and then they ( Riley and the Prince) got into a bubble and entered the girls world ( Rebecca) so they can find them and free them.

The character that I'm most like is Riley because I have brown hair. And I have brown eyes. And I would do anything for my friends and family. And I have a dog.

My favorite part of the book is when Riley and Prince Kanta went into Rebecca's world and saved Bodhi and Buttercup.

A lifetime event that reminds of this book is when my friend Mikaela got
lost and it took her mom 2 hours to find her.

Four vocabulary words that I didn't know in the book are:
Chaotic: in a state of complete confusion and disorder.

Obstinate: stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

Perceived: become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

Phsychobabble: Psychobabble (a portmanteau of "psychology" or "psychoanalysis" and "babble") is a form of speech or writing that uses psychological jargon, buzzwords, and esoteric language to create an impression of truth or plausibility.