A few things needed for the next few days - large top up makes up 70% of Co-op shoppers. Convenient - 85% of population live within 2 miles of a Co-op store. Co-op - 39% men vs 61% women
Disrupts the shopper journey. No call to action through copy? What's the link to Christmas? No link to ATL - 12 Days of Christmas YouTube #ChristmasEatings.
Threefold collaboration between Co-op Trading, Marketing & Supplier ATL Agencies
Aligned ATL & BTL campaigns
Exclusive supplier events
Threeway collaboration between Co-op Trading, Marketing teams and ATL agencies - Aligned ATL & BTL campaigns - Work directly with supplier (potential for exclusive events) - Alignment to Co-op Trade Marketing Plan - Look to create a win, win, win - Opportunities to include both JBP and marketing budgets
This is better for: 1. Customer - they know what they are getting, it's relevant and a good deal 2. Co-op - drives sales, engages customers and allows closer relationship with suppliers 3. Supplier - drives sales, brand loyalty and better relationship with Co-op
Seamless joined up shopper experience: At home: Magazine/leaflet, Membership e-mail, TV, direct mail, website, video On the move: Mobile, social, outdoor ads, video In store: Radio, POS, till screens, smart coupons, FSDUs, sampling
Bollards offer branded communication close to the store entrance. Unlike major out of town stores, Co-op’s are placed in the community where both footfall and frequency are extremely high.
This is better for: 1. Customer - raises awareness ahead of entering the store, it's relevant and a good deal 2. Co-op - engages customers and creates theatre outside stores 3. Supplier - prominent brand presence in high footfall area
Side rack header cards offer branded space to raise awareness of big deals off shelf. The header card creates a point of difference within shelf space and suggests brand endorsement within Co-op stores.
Big impact as you walk in store concerned with an emergency purchase, but also getting value for money.
Opportunity here to link purchase decision with other similar products the shopper may need for Christmas; snacks, chocolates, fizzy drinks.
This is better for: 1. Customer - they know what they are getting, it's relevant and a good deal 2. Co-op - drives sales, engages customers and allows closer relationship with suppliers 3. Supplier - drives sales, brand loyalty and better relationship with Co-op
Tear-off talkers can provide recipe ideas. This can encourage cross category and Co-op own label engagement. Hellman's as a 'Premium' product can be paired with Co-op Irresistible range e.g. Dry cured bacon, pizza and mixed leaf salad etc.
This is better for: 1. Customer - affordable, simple meal ideas 2. Co-op - drives sales across categories, gives opportunity to talk about own label and allows closer relationship with suppliers 3. Supplier - drives sales, brand loyalty and demonstrates breadth of product
Recipe suggestions - link to Hellman's website for more ideas: Turkey club sandwich with Irresistible dry cured bacon, the seeded farmhouse loaf, fresh tomato and Hellman's mayo...
Smoked salmon blinis with Hellman's mayo and horseradish...
Leftover beef with potato wedges and smoked paprika Hellman's mayo...
Quick and easy salmon pasta with Hellman's mayo and lime...
Coupons deliver the opportunity to create a relevant message based on targeting. Targeting can be specific to products or full categories, and include lapsed customers based on membership database.
This is better for: 1. Customer - they get a good deal that is relevant 2. Co-op - drives secondary sales, customer retention 3. Supplier - drives secondary sales and brand loyalty
Based on basket (e.g. below) - Make yourself a... - go here for the recipe - and get money off your next Hellman's purchase
Recipe suggestions (some will copy tear off talker): 1. Co-op bacon and/or Co-op bread Turkey club sandwich with Irresistible dry cured bacon, the seeded farmhouse loaf, fresh tomato and Hellman's mayo...
2. Smoked salmon Smoked salmon blinis with Hellman's mayo and horseradish...
3. Potatoes and/or wedges and/or paprika Leftover beef with potato wedges and smoked paprika Hellman's mayo...
4. Pasta and/or Co-op salmon Quick and easy salmon pasta with Hellman's mayo and lime...
5. Potatoes Potato salad with garlic mayo and chives...
6. Wraps and/or chilli powder Turkey wraps with chilli mayo...
These are based on basket spend, but could further be broken down by Co-op member demographic.
Radio is an effective channel to: - raise brand awareness whilst shopping. - increase awareness of products, promotions and brand campaigns when customers are browsing the aisles, interrupting their journey and encouraging shoppers to try something new.
We know that compliance is good through digital channels.
Opportunity to reinforce message seen through digital adverts. #ChristmasEatings
This is better for: 1. Customer - reminder to get Christmas essentials 2. Co-op - relevant Christmassy advert compiementing other in-store radio 3. Supplier - highly compliant, constant reminder whilst wandering the aisles and links to online video and campaign theme #ChristmasEatings