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This presentation provides a brief overview of Google Drive and some of the tools, apps, and add-ons available for FREE.

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Shut Up & Google Drive

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Shut Up & Google Drive

A Google Driver's Manual
This presentation provides a brief overview of Google Drive and some of the tools, apps, and add-ons available for FREE.

Photo by Puzzler4879

Get Your Motor Running

How to Get Started
Shut Up & Google Drive
Presenter: Cindy Huskey
Twitter: @chuskey3
Blog: http://thelibrarymuse.wordpress.com
Hashtag: #MCSLearn
Google Drive Survey: http://bit.ly/1mMYUUo

Getting Started
✿ Get a free Google account
✿ Download Google Drive http://drive.google.com
✿ Add files and/or folders – syncs with Google Drive

Google Tools
✿ Access form anywhere
✿ Create files
✿ Upload files
✿ Great for collaboration among students
✿ Integrates with Edmodo
Photo by Garret Voight

Get Out on The Highway

Create & Add Your Own Files
Google Docs:
✿ Class “scribe”
✿ Collaborative lesson plans with colleagues
✿ Folder for Best Practices lessons
✿ Reading Journals – able to grade without taking
✿ Share link to teaching notes with students
✿ Translate documents – Tools > Translate document > New document title > Choose language
✿ Writing Workshops/Peer Editing

Google Presentations
✿ Group presentations
✿ Pathfinders for student research projects
✿ Share teaching notes with absent students
✿ Tutorials – teacher or student created

Google Spreadsheets
✿ Bellwork – problem on one slide, solution on second slide (integrate with GForms to get Ss responses)
✿ Introduce new units or concepts – flipped classroom
✿ Media Center Reservations
✿ Present student debates
✿ Share, analyze, graph data (collect data using GForms)

Google Forms
✿ Annotated Bibliography
✿ Creating MadLibs
✿ Evaluations
✿ Exit Tickets
✿ Order Forms (i.e. club t-shirts)
✿ Parent Questionnaires
✿ Pop Quizzes
✿ Reading Log/Journal
✿ Sign-Up Sheets
✿ Student feedback
✿ Surveys

Google Drawings
✿ Brainstorming
✿ Flowchart
✿ Story Map
✿ Create images for presentations
✿ Venn Diagrams

Looking For Adventure

Try Some Scripts & Add-Ons
Google Add-Ons
✿ A Quotation
✿ Blendspace
✿ EasyBib
✿ ExitTicket
✿ gLinks
✿ Kaizena
✿ Codecademy
✿ Recipes Dictionary
✿ Biodigital Human
✿ ChemReference
✿ enggHeads e-CircuitBox
✿ Genetic Decoder
✿ Planetarium
✿ Learn by Theneeds
✿ g(Math) – graphing
✿ GeoGebra
✿ Popular Math

And Whatever Comes Our Way

Managing Your Drive
Managing Your Drive
✿ Organize Files into Folders
✿ Create Folders within Folders
✿ Color Code
✿ Share files & folders
✿ Upload to Edmodo
Photo by rvcroffi