Id -center around primal impulses, pleasures, desires, unchecked urges and wish fulfillment.
Ego-concerned with the conscious, the rational, the moral and the self -aware aspect of the mind.
Superego-the censor for the id, which is also responsible for enforcing the moral codes of the ego.
When your awake, the impulses and desires of the id are suppressed by the superego.
Through your dreams you should be able to get a glimpse into your unconscious or the id.
Why? Because your guards are down during the dream state. This means It has time to act out and express what is hidden.
We all have trouble remembering our dreams some point or another.
-Freud said the reasons why we do is because the superego is at work. It is doing its job by protecting the conscious mind from disturbing images and desires.
Dream moods. October 8, 2013. Sigmund freud. Dream theorists. Retrieved from information/dream theory/Freud