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Sigmund Freud

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by sebstew


  • Born May 6, 1856
  • Died September 23, 1939
  • Born in Freiburg, Austria
  • Published The Interpretation of Dreams
  • Education at University of Vienna
Sigmind Freud. (2013). The biography channel website. Retrieved from www.biography.com/people/sigmund-freud-9302400


The succession of images, thoughts, sounds, and emotions that pass through our minds while sleeping

Stanford, C. (2010). Introduction to psychology. Flatworld. Irving, New York.

Photo by martinak15


Freud begins to analyze the dreams in order to understand aspects of personality as they relate to pathology. He strongly believed that nothing we do is by quiescence. Every thought and action is motivated by our unconscious at some level.

Unconscious: lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception; not conscious.

He had two theories and it was that we have conscious and unconscious.


Dream moods. October 8, 2013. Sigmund freud. Dream theorists. Retrieved from www.dreammoods.com/dream information/dream theory/Freud

Photo by Anfuehrer


  • Id
  • Ego
  • Superego
Id -center around primal impulses, pleasures, desires, unchecked urges and wish fulfillment.

Ego-concerned with the conscious, the rational, the moral and the self -aware aspect of the mind.

Superego-the censor for the id, which is also responsible for enforcing the moral codes of the ego.

When your awake, the impulses and desires of the id are suppressed by the superego.

Through your dreams you should be able to get a glimpse into your unconscious or the id.

Why? Because your guards are down during the dream state. This means It has time to act out and express what is hidden.

We all have trouble remembering our dreams some point or another.
-Freud said the reasons why we do is because the superego is at work. It is doing its job by protecting the conscious mind from disturbing images and desires.

Dream moods. October 8, 2013. Sigmund freud. Dream theorists. Retrieved from www.dreammoods.com/dream information/dream theory/Freud

Photo by GollyGforce


  • Displacement
  • Projection
  • Symbolization
  • Condensation
  • Rationslization
Freud dreams have manifest and latent content. --Manifest is what the dream seems to be saying. Which in most cases they seem to be bizarre and nonsensical.
--latent is what the dream is really trying to say. Gives us a look into our unconscious.

Displacement occurs when the desire for one thing or person is symbolized by something or someone else.

Protection happens when the dreamer makes their own desires and wants onto another person.

Symbolization is characterized when the dreamers respected urged or suppressed desires are acted out metaphorically.

Condensation is the process in which the dreamer hides their feelings or urges by hiding them or underplaying it into a brief dream images or event. This dream imagery might not be apparent or obvious.

Rationalization is when the mind organizes an incoherent dream into a more comprehensible and logical dream.
Photo by Jonas Norling