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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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silverback GORILLA

the biggest ape
Photo by Edgar Barany

Deriving from Greek Gorilla means from "tribe of hairy women"

Photo by A. Dawson

Gorillas are herbivores and eat leaves, shoots, roots, vines and fruits

Photo by Oddernod

Silver-backs consume 45 lbs of food every day, which explains there big belly

Photo by Teseum

Mating Season: Throughout the year.
Gestation: 8.5 months.
Litter size: 1 baby.
Gorilla infants are helpless at birth and weigh about 3-4 lbs.

Photo by bartdubelaar

Gorillas are threatened by habitat loss due to increasing human populations, poaching for the bushmeat trade and diseases like ebola. Species that live in higher elevations, like mountain gorillas, are also affected by climate change

Photo by daweiding

Gorilla numbers have rapidly declined to below 5,000 today, They are critically endangered

Photo by weesam2010

Gorillas have arms that are longer than their legs and tend to walk on all four limbs at certain times, a movement that is called knuckle walking

A group of gorillas, also called a “troop,” can contain from 5 to 30 gorillas

Photo by RLHyde

The silverback decides where the troop travels, where it forages for food, where it will rest and where it will sleep at night.

Younger males who don't yet have the silver saddle are called "blackbacks."

Photo by Derek Keats

If the mighty Silver-back went extinct the bush would be less diverse...

Photo by Terry Hassan

It would become so less diverse because some plants seeds need to go through an animals digestive tracts

Photo by Mark Philpott

So we need Gorillas so that all of the animals in the bush can