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Sin Of War

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by Anna & Michal


Hail, Holy Mother, Virgin Daughter of Zion, How deeply must your mother's heart suffer for this bloodshed! The child you embrace has a name that is dear to the people of the biblical region: "Jesus," which means "God saves," ...In the face of the newborn Messiah, we recognize the face of all you children, who suffer from being despised and exploited. We recognize especially the faces of your children, to whatever race, nation or culture they may belong. For them, O Mary, for their future, we ask you to move hearts hardened by hatred so that they may open to love and so that revenge may finally give way to forgiveness

5th Commandment

"Thou shall not kill"

Deaths occurring in every single war

Ex: WWII most casualties in battle

Scenario: D-Day
Everyone please proceed to the front of the class
Everyone take one card, DON'T PEEK🙈

Photo by stevendepolo

What is your fate?
D-day invasion allied troops
Casualties: 47% wounded/killed

Short video clip
(Viewer discretion advised)


Photo by Nick Fuentes


Just cause - you must have just cause, that is, you are using war to prevent or correct a grave, public evil

Comparative justice - the good you achieve through war must far outweigh the resulting loss of life and disruption to society that will occur

Photo by д§mд


Legitimate authority - only duly constituted public authorities may use deadly force or wage war

Probability of success - war may not be used in a futile cause or in a case where disproportionate measures-for example, using nuclear or biological weapons resulting in a massive loss of life-are required to achieve success

Photo by familymwr


Proportionality - the overall destruction expected from the use of force must be outweighed by the good to be achieved. In particular, the loss of civilian life must be avoided at all costs

Last resort - force may be used only after all peaceful alternatives have been seriously tried and exhausted

Photo by TunnelBug

Legitimate self-defense

Our love for others is balanced by our love for ourselves, therefore when threatened we have a right to self-defense

Photo by The U.S. Army

Hand out note sheet and fill in blanks

Photo by markjhandel

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