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We don't like to talk about sin in this generation. We talk about mistakes, we rationalise. God talks about sin, He let's us know we are sinners and sin is a huge problem, a problem that keeps us from Him and destroys us and those around us.


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We don't like to talk about sin in this generation. We talk about mistakes, we rationalise. God talks about sin, He let's us know we are sinners and sin is a huge problem, a problem that keeps us from Him and destroys us and those around us.
Photo by rottnapples

LUKE 18:9-14

In Luke Jesus talks to sinners , among them are people who think they are not sinners. These people are religious so they think they are more than ok. Jesus explains that to be ok with God we need to come humbly and admit we are sinful, we need to come and ask for forgiveness other wise we remain just sinful people with no help. Who do we relate to, the tax collector who knows He is a sinner who comes asking for salvation. Or are we like the Pharisee we think we are not that bad, we think because we go to church and pray and lead a bible study God needs us and will let us off because of our good works or do we know that we are in as much need of a savior today as we were the day we gave our lives to Jesus.
Photo by Ben White

ROMANS 3:10-23

We are all horrible sinners, no one in the world is without sin. There is no such thing as good people. But none of us like to be described as Romans describes us, but that is who we are. Just look around at the world it is full of evil and sinful behavior why because of us sinful people. To come to know Jesus we need to admit this is who we are, we need to realize sin is controlling our lives and ask for Him to set us free. But for those of us who know Jesus we need to remember where we have come from remember that our salvation has nothing to go with us but everything to do with God and his love. We don't make mistakes, we are not mostly nice people who get it wrong sometimes we are sinners who need God to save us.

Sin is any lack of conformity,active or passive,to the moral law of God. This may be a matter of act, of thought, or of inner disposition or state. Sin is failure to live up to what God expects of us in , act thought or being.

What is sin actually?


The mark we miss is Gods holy standard which is perfection. Holiness us what God requires, it is who He is. He is the standard not other people and their actions.
Photo by cliff1066™

The essence of sin is simply failure to let God be God

God is the only one who can be God. Every time we try to take control, every time we think we know more than God, every time we try to be God we sin.
Photo by trainjason


We can not help ourselves we need to be saved. With out Jesus we are going die and we are going to live horribly. Even if we know Jesus we need to remember who we are saved by and how. Our good deeds mean nothing it is all about Him. We are not better than others we are just slaves who have been bought while others have not.
Photo by fxp


JAMES 5:16 1JOHN 1:9
All of us need to admit our sinfulness and ask forgiveness. We all need to humble ourselves and confess.
Photo by chrisada

“From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭4:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

We need to repent, confess ask forgiveness and not do the sin we did before.
Photo by Omar Omar


Here is the prayer of a man who knew God,he sinned, but he also came and confessed, he did not blame circumstances he did not look for a loop,hole he came and spoke the truth and revived forgiveness and restoration.

Lisa Bell

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