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Sir Gawain

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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The story starts off with the narrator explaining what the Knight looks like with how he was green.

Photo by JD Hancock

He came with only his ax Arthur asked him to join for dinner.

The knight kindly declined and said that he comes in peace and not for battle.

Photo by theqspeaks

He has come to play the Christmas game. Arthur accepts and sir Gawian steps in for him out of honor.

Gawian chops off the green Knights head and the knight picks it up and gets on his horse and rides away.

He is suduced by the lady but instead he will get kisses from the lady for 3 days. On the third day the lady gives him a green girdle.

Photo by JD Hancock

The green knight takes three attempts to cut of Gawain's head. The first time he flinches. Second time the green knight misses. Third time he just hits him to give him a little cut. The knight did that because the lady was his wife and it was out of respect.