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Slide Notes

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Published on Dec 25, 2020

I learn, I wonder, I do theater


What is an expert learner?

  • write out your answer or
  • video your answer or
  • draw a picture of your answer with a description
Photo by iwona_kellie

writing and reading as process

Photo by UX Indonesia

speaking and listening as processes

curiosity as essential to learning process


Photo by kdinuraj


Photo by ...netski...

"a lost pair"

Photo by el patojo


  • I can vary my writing.
  • I can map my mind.
  • I can meet reading goals.
  • I can deepen my thinking.
  • I can discover symbols.

My writing

  • Write often.
  • Study great writing.
  • Imitate textures.
  • Create and mix textures.
  • Mix texture in your writing
Photo by Markus Spiske

Untitled Slide

PEARLS - 3-2-1-

What did you bring to talk about today - What jumps out at you?
Photo by up to 2011

                                to learn is . . . 

since writing and thinking about learning last week, I wonder what new thoughts you have - how is your definition of LEARNING changing?

Mind Maps

  • Use your tools (color,web)
  • Grow aware of your mind
  • Tinker & play with map
  • Start small, one topic.
  • End: map your mind
Photo by nils.rohwer

Untitled Slide

Photo by Jim_Nix

Subtext chain

Photo by Jim_Nix


unspoken thoughts, feelings

a paper chain with

  • text
  • subtext
  • objective
Photo by SlipStreamJC


  • Copy 3 lines onto strips
  • Add 2 “I want” objective strips
  • Add subtext on back of text
  • Glue your chain O-L-L-L-O,
Photo by Jim_Nix

Review ‘n choose

  • Favorite challenging scene
  • Who might you pair with?
  • G Classrm Form
  • G Slides collaboration
Photo by aoberg

Check-in process 8:10-8:45

  • your folk tale content
  • your timing (min/sec)_:_
  • your slide completed? reviewed)
  • your slide reviewed?
  • 8:45-9:00 Peer review time
  • ACSI criteria; Star Fleet Academy
Photo by Halloween HJB