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Six Pillars of Character

Published on Dec 12, 2015

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Six Pillars of Character

Jenny Nguyen, Period 0

The Definition of "Good"

  • The definition of "good" is the avoidance of illegal intentions and living a life of morals.
  • In order for someone to have a good characteristic, one can take different issues into consideration to identify moral responsibilities to live a healthy life.

The Definition of "Evil"

  • In contrast to good, evil is where intentions are meant to harm others and how selfishness makes an entrance.
  • People can tend to be evil by performing acts that are only for their own benefits and being careless about people or other situations (even though they are at risk).

Free Will

  • Free will is the ability of an individual to make his or her own choices without any exceptions.
  • Although the idea of free will remains as a question, it can essentially adapt to a person when one acts without criticism from others.

Human Nature

  • In human nature, humans encounter between the idea of good and evil. Despite this, people are actually within a gray area of this concept because they have certain strengths and weaknesses that prevent them from being just good or evil. The cause of this are the struggles that interrupt a person's life and how people react to it, which defines them for who they are.


  • One's character can be defined as one's personality.


  • From my perspective, trustworthiness varies. For instance, I am not the best person to keep a secret for someone or something. However, I believe that a small misconception like that doesn't matter because I can always be trusted for loyalty. In other words, I can be reliant for those in need.


  • I believe that my respect for others is at a high level because I know how it feels to be different. Therefore, this encourages me to respect others and their perspectives because everyone is unique and special in their own ways.
  • I respect my close friends because they are teenagers like me and we can understand each other's perspectives. In addition, I also respect my parents because they care for my well-being and they shaped the great kind of person that I am today.


  • From a scale of 1-10, I would rate my responsibility as a 3 because I do not accomplish my goals and I always misplace things.


  • I consider myself as a nice and caring person. Because of this, I would say that I am an unfair person because there are some who don't deserve my consideration, yet I treat my blind enemies the same way as I treat those I love.


  • When it comes to the idea of caring, I would say that I am but not at the same time.
  • I care about my close friends and family because they make me happy since they tolerate me, which motivates me to provide special attention for them.
  • At the same time, I am not caring because I tend to ignore my studies and health.


  • As an Asian American citizen, I would rate myself to be in a high level because I accept my appearance and my customs as an Asian person. On the other hand, I also rate my citizenship as an American at a humble extent because I adapt to American culture and intellectuals.