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Six Pillars of Character

Published on Nov 27, 2015

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Six Pillars of Character

Brandon To Period 2
Photo by AlicePopkorn


  • Acting with integrity and character.
  • Distinguishing betwen right and wrong.


  • Choosing to commit morally wrong acts.
  • Selfishness,Greed,Jealousy,Corruption.
Photo by crosathorian

"Free Will"

  • The ability to choose one's path in life regardless of constraints.
  • Liberty,Freedom

"Human Nature"

  • No individual can truly be only good due to the certain situations they are thrown into where the line between right and wrong is blurred.
  • Situation where telling the truth will only bring hurt so a lie is formed even if it is unethical.


  • An individual's morals and values that they hold and ultimately decide their actions.
  • Faithful,Sincere,Kind,Considerate
Photo by Ewan-M


  • I feel I am trustworthy because if a friend needs help I am their guy they can depend on.
  • My loyalty to those close to me is a bond I strive never to break.
Photo by rogiro


  • My philosophy is I respect those who show me respect.
  • Teachers and hard-working adults are people I respect the most because of the the struggles they overcome everyday in their lives.
Photo by Hammerin Man


  • I believe I am responsible because I can look after myself.
  • If my parents entrust me with looking after the house I truly believe I can fulfill the duty of being the "man of the house".


  • I strive to be fair to others by only judging them on their character or actions.
  • For example if a individual started to strike a conversation with me I would not judge him/her with bigot thoughts or pay attention to their race or ethnicity following the guidance of Martin Luther King Jr and give them equal opportunity as I would anyone else.
Photo by cliff1066™


  • My care for others is chiefly centered around my friends and family.
  • For example, I care for my immediate family the most because they were the ones that raised me and cared for me and people I know will always be their for me.
Photo by gelinh


  • In the context of morals I feel my citizenship is adequate doing the bare minimum of striving not to disobey laws or rules but not necessarily seeking to do good on a day to day basis..
  • I would give myself a grade of B- because being a helpful and cooperative person is a goal I need to work on.
Photo by Jordon


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