to be able to act by choice and without one's own discretion
One can have free will by having an intention. Then think out a "how to" or rely on learned and practiced habits or tacit knowledge to assist me in achieving my aims
All people aren't fully good or fully evil; There's a gray area in between "good" and "evil" in human nature
Everyone has problems and conflicts in life, which might cause the sinful actions in people. Most people strive to do good deeds to undo the bad. Evilness is a part of society; Therefore, there is a gray area between good and evil.
I do my best to respect everyone around me and their property because everyone is valuable in their own roles and should be treated with respect for it
Ex: I always respect and admire parents, my teachers, classmates b/c of their different qualities and I also show that I am aware of their rights (respect their property, wishes, opinions, etc)
Sometimes I feel like I'm not treated as equally as others. Yet I still treat others a lot better than how I am treated, which shows how I treat everyone else fairly when I don't get the same treatment
In this society, I learned that caring too much for others will lead to pain and hardship. Therefore, I only care for a small amount of people, but at a very deep level of love and care.
I care for my family and very close friends because they prove to be truly be there for me every time I fail or need support.