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Skeletal Diseases

Published on Jul 12, 2016

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Skeletal Diseases

Put together by... Mistie Ragle
Photo by Double--M

A common Skeletal Disease found is Leukemia

Photo by euthman

Cause of Leukemia...

  • Experts don't exactly know what causes leukemia but things can increase the risk of having it like; being exposed to high radiation levels, having smoked, genetic disorders, exsperienses with benzene, and family history.
Photo by Jeremy WM

Different symptoms can include...

  • Fever or chills, Losing weight without trying, Enlarged spleen or liver, Easily bruised, Recurrent nosebleeds, Petechiae, Excessive sweating, Bone pain.


  • Based on how old you are, your current health, what type of leukemia you have and wether its sprend, doctors will determine what method to try to cure you of leukeia.

Common treatments are...

  • Biological therapy.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Stem cell transplant.
  • Radiation therapy.
Photo by euthman

You can try to prevent leukemia by...

  • Avoiding radiation, staying away from benzene, don't use tobacco or smoke, getting chemotherapy.
  • But for some types of leukemia their is no know preventions.
Photo by mikesten