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Slavery Assesment

Published on Feb 05, 2016

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In 1619, 20 captive slaves from Africa are brought to Jamestown, Virginia and sold into slavery.

In 1640, John Punch (a black runaway servant) is sentenced to life in servitude. Punch becomes the first documented slave for life in America.

In 1641, Massachusetts is the first colony to make slavery legal. Other colonies soon follow and legalize slavery as well.

Over time, slavery expanded from mostly virginia to all throughout the south. SLavery became a large part of the southern economy.

In 1662, Virginia enacts a law that makes any child born to an enslaved mother becomes a slave.

In 1676, black slaves and indentured servants participate in Bacon's Rebellion. This led to more subjugation against against blacks. (race not class).

In 1705, the Virginia Slave Code declares all slaves as property. Meaning slave owners can, beat and kill slaves without punishment.

Slaves were subjugated to beatings, whippings, splitting of families, and sometimes killing. These brutal actions were common, especially in the deep south.

There were many slave revolts in response to the brutal treatments. This included Nat TURNER'S REBELLION, WHICH KILLED 57 WHITE PEOPLE.

slaves also also developed a unique culture, in which christianity and the theme of liberation played a large role.

Other cultural aspects were unique language (pidgin) and spiritual music (relied heavily on rhythm).