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smart closet

Published on Dec 24, 2015

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smart closet

By Ellie Burtraw and Kailee Comes

Pick the outfit you want with a touch of a button.

It will scan your finger and check your mood; depending on your mood the closet will chose an outfit that matches it.

When you are done for the day, the smart closet will wash and dry your clothes for you, without a hassle.


  • You will never have to do laundry again
  • You don't have to worry about picking an outfit
  • It only takes a few clicks of a button
  • You don't have to plan your outfit ahead of time


  • It takes 2 hours to clean your clothes
  • You actually have to get dressed it doesn't dress you
  • Does not work when the power is out
  • You have to buy the clothes

It puts away your clean clothes and it does not let you wear the same outfit in the same week.

It will also show you the latest trends that are in stores. You can order them from the handheld devise and have the clothes delivered within the week.

This closet is able to fit in every bedroom of any size. You could also have one big closet for the whole family.

You need this product because you will spend less time getting ready in the morning, which means that you will rarely be late.

This will provide some jobs. The jobs that will be needed are for installing and making the device.

The workers need...

  • To be patient and organized 
  • To be good with tecnology
  • Be able to work with many different
  • Pay attention to what the customer wants
  • Be able to work with tools

The IMPACTS would be...

  • More job opproiunities
  • Creates more time in the morning
  • Not as many people will be late
  • Less problems at work because of timing
  • Less stress in your morning


  • Easy to use
  • Good conceps
  • Many themes and designs
  • You can add pictues as your background easy


  • Only a set number of colors
  • Basic ideas
  • Few formats
  • Not as much variety as others