A status hierarchy in which individuals and groups are classified on the basis of esteem and prestige acquired mainly through economic success and accumulation of wealth. Social class may also refer to any particular level in such a hierarchy.
"It withholds some students from certain opportunities like Miniterm and college applications."
"I don't think it's a big issue because no one gets bullied for it and money isn't the biggest factor. I could see how money plays a bigger part in social stigmas at normal high schools but we're all here competing at an intellectual level. So, it's more about what you bring to the table."
"I think it's all in how you present yourself because I don't own a lot of super expensive things but the way I wear them in addition to how I carry myself and how I take care of them makes people assume that a lot of what I have is 'expensive.'"
"People think that I am stuck up or mean because of things I have."