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Social Issues Confronting Women

Published on Mar 02, 2016

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Gabriela Diaz-Tang

Equal pay for equal work is one of the main issues nowadays. For each dollar a man earns, a woman earns 77 cents. This sexual discrimination affects all women that do their work with the same sacrifice and education as men do and are being paid less.

Women are being sexualized since they are born. Emphasizing the female gender as the weaker and submissive. Making women feel dissatisfied with their own body because they can not fit the stereotypical female body.

There are parts in the world where women education is NOT a right. In fact, two thirds of illiterate adults in the world are women. They are being denied to build their own future.

Physical or sexual abuse. "In South Africa, one in four men report having sex with a woman against their will by the time he was 18 years old." Women are exposed to sexual harassment even at young ages. In fact, studies suggest anywhere between 40-70 % of women has experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.