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Social Leadership

Published on Sep 05, 2016

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Social Leadership

Vanessa garrity and john walsh 



Creating space for listening to people; creating new platforms and opportunities; the power of the introvert;
Photo by PYLmom

The current landscape

Mixture of Colours; Mark Purvis ; Chris Jones New Models of Care; Social prescribing; Political landscape; austerity; Community Development;

What is social leadership?

Different theories of leadership- Heroic leaders, authority, charismatic leadership

Shift towards personal development; social media- non positional leaders, patient leaders,

Values based leadership- non hierarchical, listening to everyone, care and compassion, 6C's.

SL development of Values based leadership in action - our definition

Hidden treasure

Finding peoples potential and relating it to patients and communities

How do we release our own gifts

Finding different ways to support people so different voices are heard.

social weaving

How do we work across communities and connect with others, viral social media; believing in what you are saying, from the heart, authenticity, trust,
Photo by lady_lbrty

Completing the circle

Self care and resilience; Mindfulness; Flow; personal connections, peer support; democratic relationships; choice; empowered; owning self care; psychologically safe environments i.e shwartz rounds; space for connection; compassion circles

Resilience can be used judgmentally. Not here to serve the system; personal responsibility; looking after each other;

2:1 discussion on what keeps you resilient

back to the beginning

Back to you and the course; creating future model of leadership

Group Exercise- What are you learning from your Patient mentors; has the course changed your personal or work view and in what ways; challenges, current and future
Photo by Steve took it