Social Media Ethics for library staff 2019

Published on Nov 19, 2015

A presentation created for Service U (internal PCPL training).


Social Media Ethics

consent & trust 

Scenario #1

I *love* my job!
This is what a customer told me today!
(also, photography)

Scenario #2

This is what I have to deal with! *SMH*

Photo by Hades2k

Scenario #3
So you’re reading a news article about the library on Facebook about Tucson and you know from working in here that some of the information is very wrong.

Photo by bookfinch

Patron Privacy and Confidentiality on Social Media

The First Amendment protects your right as a public employee, in certain circumstances, to speak as a citizen addressing matters of public concern.

Photo by Chad Madden

It also states that public employees don’t give up all their rights to free speech because they’re employed by an office of the government.

Photo by Chad Madden

However, patron confidentiality is too central to a library’s purpose to compromise it, regardless of the motivation.

Photo by Chad Madden

It's also AZ State Law:
“A library or library system shall not allow disclosure of any record or other information that identifies a user of the library.”

Photo by Chad Madden

To share an incident or an interaction with a member of the public without their permission is a violation of the public’s trust in the library.

Photo by Chad Madden

Employees shall respect all Library patrons online as they do in person and on the phone.

Photo by Chad Madden

Untitled Slide