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Social Studies Project

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Abraham Lincoln

On the date of April 14th, 1865 president Lincoln was shot in the back of the head by John Wilkes Booth. After Booth shot Lincoln he attempted to escape out of the back door, and while trying to escape he was shot and killed. A doctor who was in the audience rushed Lincoln across the street. Lincoln ended up dying the next morning.

July 4th, 1876

Dear Freedmans Bureau,

This is a former slave, me and my family are still running from our slave owners. We need help finding a little shelter, food, and finding the rest of our family. Do you think it would be possible to find them with your help? Right now we are going south so we get closer to home. We may be far, far away from home, but closer than right now.
Thank you,
Former slave

Jim Crow Laws

Jim Crow Laws were created to separate people by color or also known as race.They separated them because they didn't think that colored and white people should have to use the same appliances. These laws were created in 1877. When Rosa Parks sat in the white people section she was kicked off the bus and arrested. After all of this Martin Luther King Jr. gave his 'I have a dream' speech. After the speech he was assassinated and the laws changed today every race is allowed to be together.

How the Freedmen's Bureau has saved you

The Freedmen's Bureau has not just saved me but my family too. I am grateful for not having to work for that nasty slave owner and having to watch all the people I got close to die. I am glad my children and mother are still alive. I am very grateful I was able to live through it. The Freedmen's Bureau has saved my life and I'm truthfully grateful.

Was Reconstruction a successes or failure?

Reconstruction was a success because we now all have equal rights. Some rights we all have now is we can eat at the same restraints, use the same restrooms, go to the same schools, sit wherever we want on the bus, and more. We still have problems such as slaying words, but other than that we all have the same amount of rights. This is why I think reconstruction was a success.