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There is a big debate surrounding the naming of Sociology as a science - back in the nineteenth century when Sociology was just beginning there was the advantage of being taken 'seriously' as science in a time where scientific thinking was taking precedence over other ways of observing the world. (Modernity)
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Sociology and Science

Published on Nov 01, 2016

AQA A Level Sociology: overview of perspectives on the extent to which sociology can be considered a science. Appropriate for Yr 1 & 2 specification coverage.


Sociology and Science

There is a big debate surrounding the naming of Sociology as a science - back in the nineteenth century when Sociology was just beginning there was the advantage of being taken 'seriously' as science in a time where scientific thinking was taking precedence over other ways of observing the world. (Modernity)

What is Science?

Science tests hypotheses (ideas) through experiments and observation (sound familiar?)
Scientists should be objective - theories based on evidence collected logically. Evidence which can be checked and rechecked with the same results.


Three views of science

Logical positivists; Popper (1959/63); Kuhn (1962)
Logical positivists: researcher observes, finds something to explain - hypothesises about what is observed, tests the hypothesis. Verification!
Agree = scientific law
Disagree = amend, test until agreement!

Popper = falsification; don't try to prove something true - it's impossible to be 100% correct. BUT find one piece of evidence to contradict the hypothesis and you've proved it untrue. Cannot have absolute truth. All swans are white...or are they?

Kuhn = paradigms. Scientists make assumptions based on what is known (or assumed); progress happens when new information becomes so overwhelming it can't be ignored. Scientific revolutions - earth circling the sun etc.
Photo by Thomas Hawk

Is sociology scientific?

Popper says NO, sociological concepts can't be proved wrong = therefore not science

Kuhn says NO, no consensus to create a paradigm of understanding.

Objectivity = same knowledge no matter your point of view. There are objective methods - how many can you remind yourself of? Objective methods tend to be value free, lacking in bias.

Subjectivity = dependent on view point. Can't easily test data gathered through subjective methods (how many can you think of?). Requires interpretation.

Lyotard (postmodernist) knowledge is constructed not in anyway objective.

Sociology = quite subjective.
Photo by JD Hancock


think you can be objective and analyse social facts.

Social facts can be directly observed and measured - educational achievement, marriage/divorce rates etc.

Quantitative methods to seek correlations or cause/effect


much more subjective - methods are qualitative to understand individuals - Weber and verstehen


Sociology CAN be scientific...BECAUSE

Closed systems = chemistry, controlled variables
Open systems = meteorology where variables cannot be controlled.

Sayer (1984) - sociology is studying an open system

Use both quantitative and qualitative methods - science has always studied what cannot be directly observed

Science is the search for underlying causes...

Can't be value-free, but can try to present data clearly and neutrally.
Photo by Mark Sardella