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Published on Nov 23, 2015

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The history
Photo by lentina_x

What are they famous for

  • He creat the Socrates method of teaching(1)
  • He had did plays of Plato Xenophon and(2)
  • Socrates was famous for being the great
  • Greek philosopher for doing good for people in Greece
Photo by JustinMN

What is their background

  • When he was a kid he would (1)
  • have to work and go school
  • He was born 470.bc in Athens Greece (2) and (3)
  • he was married to Xanthippe. He. Was son
  • of sophronicus he served in the amored infantry
Photo by jaci XIII

How did they impact us today

  • It impact us how that
  • teachers teach today because
  • of Socrates teaching method

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Sources 2

  • Biography .com

Sources 3

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