Hellenistic Era
Hellenistic Period: 323-146 BCE
Aristotle dies 322 BCE
Zeno of Citium founds school in Athens 310 BCE
Epicurus founds school in Athens 307 BCE
Pyrrho 270 BCE
Arcesilaus leads Plato's Academy, begins tradition of skepticism 265 BCCE
Fourth (and final) Macedonian War 149-148 BCE
Third Punic War and final defeat of Carthage 149-146 BCE
Rome rules Greece 146 BCE
Octavian became Caesar Augustus, the first emperor 31 BCE-14 CE
Death of Cleopatra 30 BCE
Crucifixion of Jesus; origin of Christianity 33 CE
The period of the "Five Good Emperors" (Pax Romana) 96-180
Marcus Aurelius 121-180
Commodius succeeded his father Marcus Aurelius
imperial power began to decline 180
Plotinus 204-270
Constantine declares Roman empire to be Christian 313
St. Augustine 354-430
Hypatia of Alexandria 370-415
Emperor Theodosius declares Christianity the official religion
of the Roman empire 380
Emperor Justinian I, a Christian, closed Plato’s Academy
and Aristotle’s Lyceum for being pagan 529