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Socratic Dialogue

Published on Nov 23, 2015

This haikudeck covers learning models from the information processing family


Socratic Dialogue

Teaching Model
Photo by mariskar

Socratic Dialogue

  • Must use evidence to support claims
  • Introduces students to the world of Universal TruthsDiscussion that allows everyone to share their opinion and have their opinion respected
  • A group that finds a precise answer to a universal question
  • Discussion (not a debate) that allows everyone to share their opinion and have that opinion respected
Photo by rjhuttondfw


  • Students eventually drive learning by becoming the facilitators themselves.
  • Students practice forming logical arguments using evidence.
  • Students are exposed to many sides of an issue or topic
  • The group comes to one consensus

Inquiry Learning

Teaching Model

Inquiry Learning

  • Involvement in different activities allows the learner to understand the concept or process associated with that activity.
  • "Involve me and I will understand" - unknown
  • Students learn from being apart of different activities!
  • Seeking answers to truth
Photo by Oberazzi

In the classroom students can be introduced to the term "Ordinance Power"

Ordinance Power and I.L.M.

  • Students would be asked "what is ordinance power"?
  • I would then have newspaper clippings of the recent use of Ordinance Power by President Obama.
  • Students must focus on each article for 10 minutes and then pass it to the next group until all groups get the prompt.
Photo by Wavy1


  • Students must extract the meaning of ordinance power through the provided readings
  • They would write down the main points of each article.
  • At the end we will have a discussion and again I will ask, "what is ordinance power? and give an example of it from your readings."
Photo by tim caynes

Inquiry learning could look many ways but its getting students to think and problem solve on their own using the resources provided for them. Rather then, just lecturing and giving the answers.

Project Based Learning

Teaching Model

Project based learning gives students the opportunity to problem solve using real world situations and problems.

project based learning

  • Students drive learning
  • Students work in groups or in pairs
  • Teachers are facilitators
  • Real to life situations are used to enhance learning.
Photo by hdurnin


  • A CPR class
  • Model United Nations
  • Using real to life scenarios in math problems
  • Simulations
  • Use of training videos at work
  • I once read a peice of propaganda that jokingly aimed to ban water. Then I went through an entire lecture about propaganda, then I asked students the last time they think they encountered propaganda. The students gave every answer except the one that I got them to agree to earlier
Photo by psi_mon

I once read a peice of propaganda that jokingly aimed to ban water. Then I went through an entire lecture about propaganda, then I asked students the last time they think they encountered propaganda. The students gave every answer except the one that I got them to agree to earlier in the class

Every period the students realized what I did because I tricked them with propaganda. By calling water Dihydrogenmonooxide instead of H2O, students did not see it coming. Then I took the class full circle to make the point that everyone needs to do their own research and to really examine what types of claims are being made and how they are supported.

Photo by Alan Light

Put students at the center of their own education, force them to think, force them to ask questions, force them to finds solutions, and they will learn & thrive. I think this is at the heart of the information processing model!

Photo by wwarby