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Slide Notes

Kristen Ferguson
EdTech 541
September 12, 2015
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Software Support Tools

Google Apps and their use in Math


Software Support Tools

Making teachers lives easier! 
Kristen Ferguson
EdTech 541
September 12, 2015
Photo by rwentechaney

Materials Generators

produce instructional materials 
Solar PV trainers lead discussions and lessons and
students learning about PV installation need practice designing schematics.
Photo by hackNY

Response (Smart Boards)

SMART Notebook for use with Smartboards can help engage students in lessons and allow for practice and feedback. Teachers can design lessons, present material, then have discussion, practice and feedback in more interactive way with the group.
and http://exchange.smarttech.com/

Relative advantage:
1) greater student engagement
2) greater visual interest
3) ability to interact with photo examples
4) Lesson plan ideas

Google Presenatations

Assign each student a Slide


Create - Save to Drive - Insert into Docs
Students can graph, create tables, plot points and create pictures. Desmos can be connected to google drive where created images can be exported and used in documents.

This would be great to add to collaborative presentations.

See more on Desmos


*There is also a Desmos FREE ipad app which has examples!


Create & Markup Geometric Designs
In the Chrome App store, search Geogebra!

Students can demonstrate the meaning of the math as it appears in their world. Geogebra is dynamic geometry software where students can create, manipulate and explore math.

Using "save to drive" images can be saved and inserted into other documents and apps for presentations, reflection and study.
Photo by 96dpi


Kids speak About Math with Movenote
Connect movenote for education from the Chrome web store.

Students can give voice and video to docs and images from drive!

Students can also take images of their work on paper and add video commentary as to what it means.

Through its send and reply feature, teachers & students can build a communication ring about an idea!


Padlet Learning Walls

Add student questions & ideas
Remember wallwisher? Padlet is a neat way to add collaboration to your classroom. With the convenience of the Chrome web store, the padlet shortcut makes creating a wall as quick as a click and a touch of customization!


Digital 3d math 

Lego Builder
Photo by Grant Neufeld

Location based math

Google Maps & constructions
Place markers, project image and have kids complete constructions using real geometric tools!

Take a screenshot and import into geogebra!

In this image, students had to find the location of the point that is equidistant from 3 high schools!

Google maps with streetview makes the purpose of the activity relevant!

Analyze data

google spreadsheets
Using data, collaborate and analyze with google spreadsheets! Understanding how data works is always best when working with real data and connected minds!
Photo by kevin dooley