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solar eclipses

Published on Aug 21, 2017

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Solar Eclipse

by Sophie Clark

Many cultures think evil creatures are eating away the sun during a solar eclipse.

Native Eclipse

  • The Pomo tribe believes that a bear got in a fight with the sun and took a bite out of the sun.
  • The Tiwa tribe thought an An angry sun left the sky to go to his home in the underworld.
  • The inuit tribe's sun goddess Malina walked away after having a fight with the moon god Aningon and Aningon caught up with his sister causing a solar eclipse.
Photo by sdomission

Modern day solar eclipse

Many people still believe solar eclipses are a bad sign.
Photo by coda

First spotting

First photo to ever be taken of a solar eclipse was by Julius Berkowski.

Recent Solar Eclipse

The latest solar eclipse was August 21,2017.
Photo by ronWLS

For more info

go to solar eclipse time and date.gov

Warning:You will be blinded if you look directly at the sun during a solar eclipse.

Thank you!

Photo by jordandelion