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Solar Energy

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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  • Pros
  • Renewable
  • Abundant
  • Sustainable
Photo by ycpphysci


  • Cons
  • Expensive
  • Intermittent
Photo by USDAgov

How does it work?

Solar power cells convert sunlight into electricity, using the energy of speeding photons to create an electrical current within a solar panel. Photons are created in the center of the sun by the fusion of atoms.


How can we use this energy?

We can harness the sun's energy by using solar collectors. These collectors enable us to use the heat from the sun to warm our homes and heat our water. They can be installed anywhere the sun shines but are usually installed on roofs for maximum sun exposure.


Photo by miheco

What are some examples of its current use?

Solar Powered Ventilation.
Heat Your Swimming Pool With Solar Energy.
Solar Energy Can Heat Your Water.
Solar Energy Can Heat Your Home.
Power Pumps With Solar Energy.


Photo by USDAgov


What effects does it have on the environment?

The potential environmental impacts associated with solar power — land use and habitat loss, water use, and the use of hazardous materials in manufacturing — can vary greatly depending on the technology, which includes two broad categories: photovoltaic (PV) solar cells or concentrating solar thermal plants (CSP).

Photo by USDAgov