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Photo by wisegie


  • Food
  • Celebrations and Festivals
  • Famous Landmarks

Spain, is in southwestern Europe. Spain is bordered by Portugal in the west, by France and Andorra in the northeast. The capital of Spain is Madrid.

The longest river in Spain is the Rio Ebro and the tallest mountain is Pico del Teide. There are no oceans surrounding Spain. Most of spain is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea.

One of the most famous Spanish foods is Paella. The original paella was not a seafood dish but the traditional Valencian variety was made with chicken, rabbit and pork and sometimes snails.

Photo by Alfaspirit

The Aqueduct of Segovia is one of Spain’s most historical monuments and one of the few remaining relics from Roman times. Although the exact date of its construction remains a mystery, it was erected sometime around the 1st century. Either way, it was an amazing feat of engineering for its time, built to carry water from the Frio river 11 miles away.