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My name is Michael Amico...I am going to start this presentation by telling you something about myself I don't like to tell strangers. I am a salesman.

Most people associate salesman with snakes, or crooks who are always looking for a way to manipulate and gain advantage.

Of course I disagree with this assessment, but if this was going to be societies perception, then I'd like for my skills to have real, meaningful impact.
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SparkTalk: MIke Amico

Published on Feb 03, 2016

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Michael Amico

My name is Michael Amico...I am going to start this presentation by telling you something about myself I don't like to tell strangers. I am a salesman.

Most people associate salesman with snakes, or crooks who are always looking for a way to manipulate and gain advantage.

Of course I disagree with this assessment, but if this was going to be societies perception, then I'd like for my skills to have real, meaningful impact.
Photo by CarolineG2011


Three years ago I entered the solar industry looking for that career

Since that time I have helped over 150 homeowners go solar, while discovering a passion for what I do.

What excites me most, is that we are at the precipice of an energy revolution.


Currently, 80% of our worlds electricity comes from fossil fuels and we are just now starting to accept that the impact on our planet is real. However the time for action is now.

We have solutions, however they require change, and change is difficult.

Therefore, Sales people like myself will play an important role bringing solutions to the market. Our effectiveness will determine how quickly we can build a more sustainable economy..


One number that gives me hope is 95, that is the percentage of us who say we are willing to pay a moderate amount more for renewable energy.

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But that number also torments me, because helping 150 people switch to solar, meant hearing "No" thousands and thousands of times
Photo by sboneham

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My time in this program was spent trying to understand the following: If the overwhelming majority of us believe in renewable energy and are willing to pay slightly more for it, why are we so reluctant to adopt solar into our lives and what would it take to make it easier?

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The story of my capstone starts with Chuck and Suzie Wedemeyer.

I had been door knocking in his neighborhood, getting one door slammed in my face after another. Until Chuck and his wife took pity on me and invited me in….

The first thing Chuck said to me “Just talk to me about dollars and skip the environmental stuff!”

Chuck and Suzie are in their 70’s; They moved from Chicago 10 years ago, are conservative and aren’t really convinced about human caused global issues, but do worry about the direction our country is headed

They aren't the bleeding heart liberals one would expect to quickly adopt solar, but they loved how our product protected them from inflation and they signed up before I left the home...

The next day my phone started ringing. It was Chucks neighbors, asking me to come by and give them a presentation. These are the same people who were slamming the door in my face just days earlier...

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One person after another were signing up with little hesitation.

Members of a 55 and old community were bragging to each other about who had the lower electric bill and who made the most referrals that month…

During their morning coffee, they were no longer arguing about if global warming was a hoax, they were talking about innovative ways the solar industry can serve their community, then calling me with these ideas!

So what caused a 55 and older, conservative community to get excited about adopting a renewable lifestyle?
Looking for the answer I started following Chuck around....

Social. Trial. Validation.

Chuck has done what our solar companies have not, he's created a movement and he did it by providing the three key elements solar will need for massive, quick adoption.

He made it social, sharing his experience with his buddies.

He waived his electric bill in their face.

and He validated me and my company as someone they can trust.

These three elements made solar less risky for his friends and neighbors, and as a result 20 of them now have solar on their home.


With this understanding, I decided I had to recreate this at a larger scale
Photo by altemark

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The conversation about sustainability is entering more board rooms and corporate leaders are aware that sustainability will be important to their brand and overall competitiveness in the future

They also know becoming a sustainable company will require the engagement and enthusiasm of employees at every level with new perspectives on how to compete in the future.

Business leaders will start that change by putting the company sustainability goals in the context of its employees everyday lives and my capstone is the tool to get them there.

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American Express is one such business which recognizes the opportunity, and their sustainability director is looking to achieve three strategic objectives:

Engage Employees
Lower Carbon
Build Brand Reputation

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They have created the American Express Green Team. Whose responsibility is to inspire American Express employees around these objectives.

One of their first projects, is to explore solar for several campuses around the country.

The installation of these systems will kick off "Carbon Month", promoting the change on campus and opportunities for employees to make the same changes.

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Sunrun's Mobile Power House will be on campus, introducing employees to what solar can do for their homes.


Providing the perfect trial period..


And taking the purchasing decision out of the privacy of your living room, into the social setting of corporate campus.


and receiving the validation from American Express, whose own solar installation is occurring at the same time.

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Just as Chuck changed his neighborhood AMEX can change theirs.

As employees leave homes powered by renewable energy and park at the office under solar covered parking lots they do so with changed perspectives.

The conversation moves from "We should have solar covered parking" to what American Express can do next.

Shared Vision

Tying this experience into American Expresses new vision of a company that uses far less resources while driving value for its employees and shareholders.

As more people become aware of their real impact, they will guide American Express toward a more sustainable future.

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Meanwhile, the data is being tracked and American Express is supplied with real numbers reflecting the positive environmental impact to be used which they can use in marketing and reporting