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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Boys were encouraged to steal food, but if they were caught, they were punished, not for stealing, but for getting caught.

Two Kings ruled Sparta at all times. One was from the Agiad family and the other from the Eurypontid family.

Laws were made by a council of 30 elders which included the two kings.

Shortly after birth, Spartan babies were bathed in wine and then presented to the Gerousia (an elder). Any weak or deformed babies were thrown off Mount Taygetos and killed.

Spartan girls were also well-educated, but they didn’t receive as much military training.

Spartan men were required to stay fit and ready to fight until the age of 60.

The women of Sparta had more freedom and education than most Greek city-states at the time. Girls usually were married at the age of 18.

Those where are facts, and thankyou for listening.