Speaking with Tongues
- A subject many don't understand
- Through study we'll be able to give an answer
- The verses we'll be focusing on
- Isaiah 28:11; Mark 16:17; Acts 2:1-18, 10:44-48
- Acts 19:1-6; 1 Corinthians 12-14
Use of Tongues in the Bible
- Two distinct categories
- We have to distinguish between them
- The initial sign or evidence of the Holy Ghost
- The gift of tongues, "diverse kinds of tongues"
- The gift is used to edify the person or the church
- Compare Acts 2:4, 6, 8, 11
- "tongues" is actual languages
- This applies to the following
- Other tongues - language never learned by the speaker
- This is usually spoken as the Spirit gives utterance
- Anyone present who knows the language can understand
- On the Day of Pentecost those who heard, understood
- Acts 2:1-18
- Unknown tongues - used in the KJV
- The word "unknown" isn't in the Greek
- The meaning is conveyed though
- A tongue only understood by God
- 1 Corinthians 14:2
In each case speaking in tongues is a supernatural experience since it's the Spirit that gives us the ability.
Initial evidence
- Jesus promised the HG to his followers
- Acts 1:4-8 - go tarry
- This promise was fulfilled at Pentecost
- Peter went on to declare it was for everyone
- Acts 2:38-39 - afar off
What is the scriptural evidence that we have received the Holy Ghost?
Initial evidence
- The evidence we find in the Bible
- Speaking in Tongues
- There is no other INITIAL evidence
- A precedent was set
- NT believers spoke in tongues
Initial evidence
- The fruits/gifts of the Spirit
- Are not the INITIAL evidence
- They are the ONGOING evidence
Initial evidence
- Acts 2:11 - tells us what they heard at Pentecost
- So "speaking in tongues" is the one and only sign
- It was given to the NT church
- Christ died to give us this experience
- We don't seek tongues, we seek the Holy Ghost
Initial evidence
- Once we have the Holy Ghost
- Many factors are indicative of us walking in the Spirit
- We see these in John 15:1-8 - bearing fruit
- Gal 5:22-23 - the fruit of the Spirit
- 2 Peter 1:5-11 - add to your faith
Evidence of the Spirit in a life
- Being obedient to the teaching of the scriptures
- Bearing fruit of the Spirit
- Being faithful to God's cause(the kingdom)
- Abiding in Christ
- Adding to our experience things that spiritually stabilize us
Edification of the Church
- This is for people that are filled with the HG
- This doesn't apply to sinners
- We'll use 1 Corinthians 12-14 as our area of study
- The use of tongues here is not the initial evidence
- It is one of several signs/gifts 1 Cor 12:8-10
Edification of the Church
- Tongues here is one of the 9 gifts of the Spirit
- For this to edify the church another gift is used
- Interpretation of tongues
- Can be given by the person speaking
- Or by another person in the church
Edification of the Church
- This usually occurs in a church service
- The speaker is full of the Holy Ghost
- God moves on them to speak out in tongues
- The rest of the congregation is usually silent
- After the speaker finishes someone interprets
Edification of the Church
- 1 Cor instructions from Paul to the church
- He set rules in place to govern this 1 Cor 14:26, 28
- "When ye come together"(26) "in the church"(28)
- "done unto edifying"(26) - building up(look up)
- "by course"(27) - by turn(look up)
Edification of the Church
- "by most three"(27)
- Doesn't mean there has to be two
- Does mean at the most 3 "by course"
- After 3 occurrences they should stop, proceed with church
- If someone feels the unction they should speak to God
Edification of the Church
- Three of the 9 spiritual gifts involve speaking
- Prophecy, tongues, and interpretation
- These do not replace or supersede the Preaching
- The spiritual gifts are to edify not to perfect
- Eph 4:11-12 preaching is for perfecting
The control of the service stays in the hands of the Pastor or someone he's placed in charge.
Edification of the Church
- Speaking in tongues and interpretation
- Accomplishes the same as Prophecy
- Tongues is a sign to unbelievers
- Prophecy is a sign to believers
- Edification, exhortation, and comfort
Edification of the Church
- Gifts are not to set the church in order
- To conduct business
- To purchase or not purchase something
- To pronounce judgement
- So on...
Edification of the Church
- Paul listed peace, decency, and order
- This is how a service should be conducted
- 1 Cor. 14:33, 40
- Anything that violates one of these is wrong
- Not meant to discourage or forbid - vs. 39
Facts to help you witness
- When believers speak in tongues it's to God
- No one understands them
- In the spirit they are speaking mysteries
- They edify themselves
Facts to help you witness
- They should pray that they may be able to interpret
- Speaking in tongues is a sign to unbelievers
Edification of the Believer
- Speaking in tongues for personal edification
- Need no interpretation
- Used in the following ways
- Praying in tongues
- Is a blessing and a privilege to the believer
- The spirit is edified - 1 Cor 14:14-15
- We are to pray with understanding(english)
- Unless the Spirit prompts us otherwise
- 1 Cor 14:15
- We are to sing in our native language
- Unless God prompts us to sing in tongues
- Then we are singing to Him
Giving Thanks
- 1 Cor 14:16-18
- In this example a believer can be blessing something
- In the process they begin to speak in tongues
- The same principle applies here as Prayer and Singing
Edification of the Believer
- All three of these may be public or private
- If in a public service the type and order
- Dictate whether it should be done audibly or not
- We have to make sure to follow the Spirit
- If we're sensitive we'll know
In Conclusion
- Paul told us both to
- "quench not the Spirit" 1 Thes 5:19
- "subject to the prophet" 1 Cor 14:32
- Quenching the spirit - refusing to let God use us
- Subjection - has to do with control
In Conclusion
- It's essential that we control ourselves
- Yet we can't quench the Spirit of God
- There's a balance here
- We can't leave out 1 Cor 13
- Charity superseded faith and hope
In Conclusion
- Speaking in tongues is Gods way of using
- The most unruly member of our body
- Our tongue
- James 3
Let's allow God to use us in whatever way He pleases. Let's magnify Him with praise and adoration, whether in our native language or in an unknown tongue.