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Special Education

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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Special Education

at Raul C. Martinez Elementary
Photo by Kelli Tungay

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Photo by duncan

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  • To support our students and teachers that see our students as much as we can.
  • To see our students grow and progress in Math and Language Arts.
  • To have our students accomplish their academic goals.
Photo by dingatx

Supporting Teachers

Photo by CJS*64

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  • Assist teachers with implementing accommodations
  • Behavior supports
  • Technology supports

Supporting Students

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  • Remediation to bring them closer to grade level.
  • Small group lessons
  • Supporting general education curriculum
  • Work on their Special Ed. goals

Math Goals

Photo by prayingmother

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  • To help our students to be on grade level with computation skills.
  • To help students solve one step and multi-step problems.
  • To teach our students how to use their supports to access the general curriculum.

Language Arts Goals

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  • To have our students make a years growth in reading.
  • To have our students be able to compose compositions using graphic organizers.
Photo by popofatticus

Expectations for Teachers

Photo by dougbelshaw

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  • Let me know at least at progress report and report card time if a student is failing in Math or Reading and we will have a failure ARD to come up with a plan to better meet their needs
  • Special Education students can fail, but only if you have followed all of their accommodations (Accommodations are the Law)

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  • If failing you must provide documentation of what you have done and what you have tried, you must contact the parents just like you would for any other student.
  • Let me know when you plan to have conferences with parents of Special Education students so I can try to attend.
Photo by Kathy Cassidy

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  • If students have a BIP, make sure you are following it.
  • Keep track of what accommodations you are using with them every week (Accommodation Documentation Tool located in your field guide). Please print one out for each Special Education student.
Photo by CJ Sorg

ARD Expectations

for Everyone Involved
Photo by rawpixel.com

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  • We need to be prepared and know our students. We can't just say they are doing well. We need specifics.
  • Stay off of phones unless related to meeting.
  • Bring everything you need to the meeting.
  • When asked for information before the ARD meeting, please provide it.
  • Be supportive and respectful of everyone at the meeting.
Photo by ibm4381

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  • Make sure ARDs run efficiently so we can all get back to our students and other responsibilities.
  • Make sure that we are able to talk about their strengths, not just their weaknesses.
  • Be supportive and respectful of everyone at the meeting.
  • ARDs will be in person, but the parents can attend by phone if they request it.
Photo by knittymarie


Photo by YoLoPey

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  • Once I know my schedule and my TA's schedule, I will tell you when we will be meeting with them.
  • We will be providing In-Class Support, but with flexible locations which means sometimes we will work with them in your class or pull them out. When we pull them out a lot of times we will be working on their goals.
Photo by wetwebwork


Photo by DonkeyHotey

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  • Is a Federal law that helps ensure that students with disabilities are provided special education services as specially designed instruction at no cost to the parents, to meet their unique needs.
Photo by Xiaozhuli

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  • IDEA defines specially designed instruction as adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child, the content, methodology or delivery of instruction to address the unique needs of the child that result from their disability, to ensure access of the child to the general curriculum.
Photo by DennisM2

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  • IDEA has made clear that students with disabilities, first and foremost, are general education students. Therefore we must consider those characteristics that uniquely define special education.
Photo by NWABR


Photo by Jan Jespersen

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  • First, we must meet the needs of Special needs students, not just because it is the law, but because we want all students to be successful now and when they are adults.
  • Second, this only happens if we all work together as a cohesive team.
Photo by MattBritt00