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Spelling Practice #6 Letter Patterns, etc

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Well, my spelling bee minions...

Abuzz with excitement to learn more?...swipe... -->
Photo by nanocoder

Remember the basic instructions?

  • Say the word/Say the rule
  • Spell the word (write it down)
  • Say the word again
  • Look away
  • Say it/Spell it/Say it--Check it
You will see slides with a spelling list word...
+ there will often be a spelling rule next to it

A) Looking at the screen, say the word out loud...notice the shape of the word, the number of letters, etc...then say the rule out loud...

B) Spell the word (don't just spell letters out loud)--very important: WRITE IT DOWN!
Looking at the screen while writing is not cheating...it is good...writing it properly helps imprint proper spelling in the automatic memory part of your brain...

C) Say the word out loud again when you are done writing it down correctly...

D) Now, look away from the screen, and turn your written word over so it can't be seen either...

E) Using a second sheet of paper, say the word out loud, then spell it by writing it down, then say it out loud one more time...

F) Check your spelling.
If correct, go to the next slide...
Important: if you made a mistake, fix it right away--say the correct letters as you write them down...try the word slide again starting at A)...you will immediately get stronger...
Photo by freebird4

frighten the sound "ite" can be "i-g-h-t"

  • Say it and say the rule
  • Spell the word (write it down)
  • Say the word again
  • Look away
  • Say it/Spell it/Say it--Check it

That "i-g-h-t" spelling comes from an Old English way of pronouncing the letter combination...

...but it is confusing because we shifted the sound of "i-g-h-t" to say "ite"...

And just to be more tricky, we kept many other words in English that say "ite" and are actually spelled "i-t-e"

polite the sound "ite" can be spelled "i-t-e"

  • Say it and say the rule
  • Spell the word (write it down)
  • Say the word again
  • Look away
  • Say it/Spell it/Say it--Check it

In the word "polite," the silent "e" at the end is there to help the "i" say its own name...

How would the word sound if there was "e" on the end? How would it sound if the word was spelled

See how the "e" helps the "i" say its name in the word "polite"?

So anytime you see a word ending in the combination of vowel-consonant-"e"...
The silent e is helping first vowel to say its name...

For example:

hat versus hate

cod versus code


That little silent "e" changes the sound and--especially--the meaning of a word...

Pretty powerful!

ite versus ight practice



if the one on the green slide doesn't work...

"hour" vs. "our" vs. "are"

  • Three very different words people get mixed up...
  • Say: "hour with an 'h' is a chunk of time"
  • Say: "our without an 'h' means belongs to us"
  • Say: "our without an 'h' is not meant to sound like 'are'"
  • Say: "are, a-r-e, is part of the verb To Be...I am, you are, they are..."

Click the link below to go to a vid clip...

Practice telling the difference between these three words...


different Break it down for me fellas!

  • Say the word/Say the rule
  • Spell the word (write it down)
  • Say the word again
  • Look away
  • Say it/Spell it/Say it--Check it

Use syllable break it down skills to memorize this word that gets used all the time in your writing...

It was one of the most common mistakes made on our beginning of the year spelling assessments...

Use miniature-cheer spelling to help as well...if Mr. Hunt hasn't taught you this yet, he soon will...!


Also consider learning the closely related "brother/sister" word of "different"...

different and difference

There are two different things in this picture.
There are two differences to find in this picture.

important Break it down for me fellas!

  • Say the word/Say the rule
  • Spell the word (write it down)
  • Say the word again
  • Look away
  • Say it/Spell it/Say it--Check it

Use syllable break it down skills...

This was another one of the most common mistakes made on our beginning of the year spelling assessments...

Use miniature-cheer spelling to help...


Also consider learning the closely related "brother/sister" word of "important"...

important and importance

There are two important things to remember.
There are two things of importance to remember.

something Break it down into two small words, fellas!

  • Say the word/Say the rule
  • Spell the word (write it down)
  • Say the word again
  • Look away
  • Say it/Spell it/Say it--Check it

Use syllable break it down skills...

Notice that it is two smaller words joined together: "some" and "thing"

...yet another of the most common mistakes made on our beginning of the year spelling assessments...

Maybe miniature-cheer spelling can help as well...

Whatever it takes to master the last three slides--make it happen!

The future quality of your writing depends on it.

because Did you memorize it folks?

  • Say the word/Say the rule
  • Spell the word (write it down)
  • Say the word again
  • Look away
  • Say it/Spell it/Say it--Check it

Use the very bizarre method of memorizing this commonly misspelled word...

Put it to the tune of the old-time Mickey Mouse song...

b-e-c -a- u-s-e
Just "because"...Just "because"...
La, la, la, laaa!

Sing the song to your family at home; they will think you are crazy, but, hey, who cares, you've now mastered how to spell the word!!

This word is used over and over again in writing, so it is vital that you learn how to spell it perfectly.

Remember to keep words from past spelling lists fresh in your mind!

They will be tossed randomly into future tests!
Photo by polassery

The finish line!

Another slideshow episode completed!
Photo by jayneandd