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Spirit Animals: Wild Born

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Spirit Animals

Brandon Mull
Photo by ajari

In this book each of the main characters is having a ceremony. This ceremony gets them their spirit animals.

We start out with Conor a sheep herder.

Photo by Paladin27

He gets a wolf called Briggan. Briggan is one of the four fallen.

Photo by dafuriousd

Now onto Meilin. She is from Zhong.

Photo by Genista

She also gets one of the four fallen. Jhi a panda.

Photo by oopsilon

Next is Abeke. She gets a leopard called Uraza.

Photo by digitalART2

Now onto Rollan. He gets a falcon called Essix.

Photo by markkilner

They need to fight the bad side with devourer.

It was 202 pages.