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Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Photo by NCSSMphotos



Description of FIRE
Homo Erectus discovered fire and they could cook their food since they could control it. They usually kept the fire burning in the center of their hut or shelter. It was most likely discovered from 1.8 million to 200,000 BCE because that was when Homo Erectus lived.

Photo by Lilachd

How FIRE affects us
It affects us because we use fire to cook food, but more efficiently with microwaves and ovens. When it is cold outside, we use a fireplace to warm us up.

Photo by jmv

Description of BIPEDALISM
Australopithecus Afarensis was the first hominid to walk on two feet. She was 3-4 ft tall and lived in Africa 3-4 million years ago. Now that A.A. was bipedal, she could carry food to her tribe and run with her hands free.

Photo by jsj1771

How BIPEDALISM affects us
Since we can walk on two feet, our hands are free and we can do more things than they could do like, tying shoes, hold things better, or even playing sports like basketball and soccer.

Description of STONE TOOLS
Handy Man created tools with rocks about 1.5 to 2 million years ago. It helped them get the skin off of animals and used animal bones as digging sticks because it was before they could farm.

How STONE TOOLS affect us
It affects us because now we can build houses with our metal tools. Now that we have metal tools, we can create more things like chainsaws and drills to be more efficient with our work.

Photo by pepe50



Description of TRADE
The Neolithic people traded to get more materials for building and decoration. They traded things like raw materials, flint and obsidian. Trade became more common when they settled into towns. They lived in the Fertile Crescent where the land was good for farming.

How TRADE affects us
Trade affects us because after trading a lot more, it eventually led to a money system. We use money to buy things we want or need. Just like the Neolithics, we trade money instead of other resources.

Description of SHELTER
As the Neolithic people settled down to farm, they needed more permanent shelters. It helped them to do more skilled crafts and made life more comfortable. They kept their doors and windows up high to keep away from predators.

Photo by sdhaddow

How SHELTER affects us
Shelter affects us because most people live in houses (permanent shelters) everyday. It helps us store our stable supply of food and be more comfortable.

Description of OCCUPATIONS
Now that the people had a stable food supply, they had more time, so they thought that their house needed decoration. Once people started creating things, they got skilled. They created jobs and it helped them get to a greater variety of community life. They did that in Catal Hoyuk, 6000 BCE.

How OCCUPATIONS affect us
It affects us because our houses have a lot of decorations and lots of people have jobs. Most people today get paid for their job like graphics or t-shirt companies.



Description of WRITING
The Sumerians developed pictographs which meant that every symbol stood for an object. But then in 2400 BCE, they created wedge shaped symbols called cuneiform. It was one of the first written languages.

Photo by A.Davey

How WRITING affects us
It affects us today because now that we have writing, we can write things like checks, laws, books, and manuals. It helps us with math and communication.

Description of WHEEL
In 3500 BCE, the Sumerians invented the first wheel. They used wheels for chariots, pottery, and wheeled carts. After they used it for pottery a while, they figured out that you could flip it on its side, and it could roll!!

Photo by Darkroom Daze

How the WHEEL affects us
The wheel affects us because they are used for so many things. They're used for cars, shopping carts, and ferris wheels! Wheels help us do everyday tasks, like driving in your car, or shopping for groceries.

Photo by szeke

Description of PLOW
The plow was invented in 6000 BCE and helped the Sumerian farmers by tilling the soil for plants and crops. They used ox-pulled plows and farming helped them have a stable food supply.

How the PLOW affects us
The plow affects us because without the plow, the Sumerians wouldn't have a stable food supply and the human population would eventually die out. We also use more advanced inventions such as tractors.


Photo by Hovic