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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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BY: Lydia and MaryMarshall


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  • They where divided into four regional groups based on where they lived and their language
  • The Eastern Woodlands where the first native Americans to encounter European settlers in North America
  • They used rivers for transportation and fishing


Photo by bill barber

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  • Spain, France, and England where all competing for a foothold in South Carolina
  • Neither Spain or France were able to establish a permanent colony
  • Conditions at the settlements and problems in the mother countries led to lack of support for the settlements and resulted in abandonment
  • Spain founded the San Miguel settle ment, and the French founded Charles Fort


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  • African slaves were brought into supply a large enough labour force
  • The purpose of slave codes was to prevent the large number of African slaves from rebelling against the plantation owners
  • The trip that African slaves made across the Atlantic was called the middle passage

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  • The Stono rebellion became such a major concern because African salves outnumbered whites nearly 2 to 1
  • The Stono rebellion, largest lave revolt of the 18th century, took place on September 9th, 1739
  • Much of what we know about the African slaves today comes from the oral tradition
Photo by duncan

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  • Slaves newly-arrived to North America would have most likely worked with rice
  • Slaves from the west coast of Africa were valued because they were already skilled with the production of rice
  • All African slaves sold in Carolina had to be inspected at the "pest house" on Sullivan's island
Photo by Nik Cyclist


Photo by Toastwife

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  • The plantation system used in Barbados was very similar to the system used to go rice and indigo
  • Eliza Lucas Pickens changed the economy when she learned to cultivate indigo, a dye for fabric
  • African slaves became a critical part of south Caroline's economy because growing rice and indigo (and later cotton) on huge plantations required lots of labor
Photo by tarboxje


Photo by vgm8383

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  • The lords proprietors established the grand council to run the colony of Carolina in there absence
  • A constitution needs to be flexible so that it can adjust to changing times and situations
  • The first legislative body to meet in America was the Virginia house of burgesses
  • The circuit court act laws were passed as the regular movement
  • Proprietary rule ended because people who owned large tracts of land in S.C were not allowed to govern b/c they were not proprietors
Photo by Gamma Man