- Software applications
- Relative buying power
- Fitted for versus fitted with
- Refresh cycles
However, the adoption of EN 301 549 as an Australian standard is not a panacea.
Compliance with the standard is more difficult for bespoke application development than it is for OEM sourced hardware.
As discussed earlier, the Australian Government cannot necessarily dictate to vendors, particularly international vendors.
While it may be preferable for the majority of APS devices to be able to be fitted to assist people with disabilities, it would not be sensible to fit all devices with such capabilities in all cases. We need to manage these requirements carefully. Historically, our rationale has been to provide whatever people need when they are employed. While this can lead to delays, it has usually not been limited by cost considerations. We need to be careful not to lose sight of the required outcome.
Equipment lives are lengthening, despite the shortening technology half life. Not all equipment will ever be replaced at once, even if a standard was introduced.