Chapter summary Israel: a new concept of community, talks about what community means to the Jewish faith. It address women, feminism and change that are necessary for the pure concept of community. The chapter also highlights construction of chosenness and well as gives an account of the current state of Israel.
HOW COMMUNITY IS DEFINED IN THE JEWISH LIFE: Community, within the Jewish faith, is not only the relation of women and men but relation to society in which Jews live.
Provides all memberswith spirtual and physical needs.
Is the funtamental part of jewish experience
Connect people to their identity and their significance
It connect people to each other and responsiblity
Judith plaskow states "the conviction thatt personhood is shaped, nourished and substained in community is a certain assumption that Judaism and feminism share
GOAL OF JEWISH FEMINISM: The goal of Jewish feminism is precisely the equality between men and women that would throw off the limitations placed on women and allow us to take our place beside men as full participants in jewish life.
NEW GOAL OF JEWISH FEMINISM: Jewish feminist want from the Jewish and feminist community what women of color want from the feminist community, what self-affirming Jews want from the wider culture: equality in our particular, acknowledgment of the many communities that shape our lives, acknowledgement of our complex history and experience, attention to that history and experience, and attention to that history and experience in the formulation of cultural or religious norms and values.
Conclusion: A jewish feminist vision must apply the model of community in which difference is nurtured and respected to all communities and all differences with which jewish feminists are involved. A commitment to restructuring difference harbors risk and change, whether the context is Israel, diaspora JEWISH communities, or the feminist movement. The recognition of diverse constituencies as part s of larger communities involves an obligation to redefine communal life as the sum of all pieces.