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Star girl Character List

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Stargirl character list

Photo by mliu92

The different one,
The one who possibly changes the school

The narrator,
The main character,
The director of the hot seat,
The guy who likes stargirl

Wayne Parr-
The guy who does nothing,
He is the role model if the school,

The talk show host for the hot seat,
Leo's best friend

Hillari Kimble-
Thinks stargirl Is a fake,
The popular girl

The Rat-
Stargirls best friend

Photo by PKMousie

Mallory Stillwell-
The head cheerleader

Photo by AGB in AR

Danny Pike

The little boy with the cast

Archie Brubaker

The man that helps leo and Kevin

Anna Grisdale

The teenage girl that granfather died