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Published on Mar 23, 2016

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By nat smith
Photo by Horia Varlan


  • Starfish are Echinoderms
  • They are not fish
  • Most have 5 arms but not all
  • They can regenerate a lost arm
  • They have a prickly armour

Starfish habitat

Their habitat varies from the cold ocean floor to tropical waters

Food chain

  • They eat whatever is slower than them
  • Manta rays, some sharks and other large, bony fishes eat starfish
  • Also some larger starfish will eat the smaller starfish
  • Starfish specifically eat muscles and other mollusks 
Photo by ian boyd

Impacts of starfish on humans

  • Starfish impact humans in various ways
  • They impact us medically
  • They impact us in tourism creating business
  • They impact us in legeslation
Photo by touterse

Starfish have symbiotic relationships with turtles which are common in the ocean

Photo by allie444

Unique features of Starfish

  • They can regenerate their arms
  • Starfish are capable of asexual reproduction 
  • They move by hands of tiny feet
Photo by LisaW123

Starfish live in all oceans!

Photo by Link576

Most Starfish live below 200 metres

Photo by jayhem

Starfish protect themselves by covering themselves in a chemical producing a bitter taste making starfish an un-apitising meal

Photo by EarthTouch

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