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State Of Matter

Published on Mar 24, 2016

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States of Matter

By:Matthew Goins
Photo by MohammadHasan

Matter Standard

  • I can.... recognize that all matter consists of atoms.
Photo by TonZ

What's the matter?

  • Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass.
  • All matter consists of atoms.
Photo by jurvetson

Particle Arrangement Standard

  • I can.... compare the particle arrangement and type of particle motion associated with different types if matter.
  • The types of matter are solid, liquid, and gas.


  • A solid is matter with a definite shape and volume.
  • A solid vibrates when it moves.


  • A liquid is a matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape.
  • A liquid moves slowly, but it is more spread apart than a solid.


  • Gas is matter that does not have a definite shape or volume.
  • A gas moves fast and goes in all directions.

Atmosphere Standard

  • I can... describe the chemical make up of atmosphere.
Photo by davedehetre

What makes up the atmosphere?

  • Nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases make up the atmosphere.
  • Nitrogen is 78%
  • Oxygen is 21%
  • Other gases is 1%