The Gray Squirrel
The N.C. State Mammal is the Gray Squirrel. They are the most frequently seen mammal in N.C. They are members of the Rodent family.
The Plott Hound
The N.C.State Dog is the Plott Hound.N.C. designated the Plott Hound as the official State dog in 1989. The Plott Hound is a legendary hunting dog
The Cardinal
The N.C. State Bird is the Cardinal. N.C. designated the Cardinal as the State bird in 1943. The Cardinal nearly sings year-round. The Cardinal is the State bird in 7 States.
The Mustang
The N.C. State Horse is the Mustang. N.C. designated the Mustang as the official State horse in 2010. Mustangs descend from horses introduced from Spain during the early conquest of the Americans
The Long Leaf Pine Tree
The N.C. State Tree is the Long Leaf Pine Tree. N.C. designated the Long Leaf Pine Tree as the official State tree in 1963.
The Motto Esse Quam Videri
The N.C. State Motto is Esse Quam Videri. In 1863 the N.C. Genral Assembly adopted the Latin words "Esse Quam Videri" as the State motto. Esse Quam Videri means To be rather than to seem.
The Eastern Box Turle
The N.C. State Reptile is the Eastern Box Turtle. The Eastern Box Turtle was designated as the official State reptile in 1979. Eastern Box Turtles are omnivores.
The Scotch Bonnet Seashell
The N.C. State Seashell is the Scotch Bonnet Seashell. N.C. designated the Scotch Bonnet Seashell as the official State Shell in 1965. The Scotch Bonnet Seashell is found along the Alantic Coast.
The Nickname The Old North State or Tar Heel State
The N.C. State Nickname is The Old North State or Tar Heel State. Most historians agree that the nickname The Old North State stems from N.C.'s history.
The colors Red and Blue
The N.C. State colors are red and blue. Red-a symbol of hardiness and valor. Blue-signifies vigilance,perseverance,and justice. N.C. designated red and blue as the official State colors in 1945.