What type of education/experience do I need for my job?
I need strong background in math and science and I need to be comfortable with technology. It will help me if I can be a student teacher for a while on an A+ student in high shool.
What skills do I need to be successful in my career?
I need to know how to research and use technology.
I see that the projects look fun and interesting. Lot of technology and the experiment went perfectly with the learning target and all the kids played a part in the project and had to proticipate. But they were excited to.
Had you herd about this career choice before? Are you sincerely interested in pursuing this opportunity further?
Yes, my sisters are teaching over at the new steam school and it sounds like fun to teach that kind of stuff. I have always wanted to be a teacher but this is a type of teacher that I want to be. So yes.