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Stenhouse 1975

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Stenhouse Curriculum Model 1975




The idea of PROCESS MODEL is that each classroom is a laboratory, each teacher is a member of the scientific community… The PROPOSAL is not to be regarded as an unqualified recommendation but rather be worth putting to the test of practice, such proposals claim to be intelligent rather than correct (Stenhouse, 1975: 142)

Process Model

  • Focuses on : teacher activities and teacher’s role
  • Student and learner activities
  • Conditions in which learning takes place (learner should have part in deciding nature of learning activities)
  • More individualized atmosphere
Photo by quinn.anya

Process model

  • Regard personalized response to learning experiences; ‘It is a way of translating any educational idea into a hypothesis testable in practice. It invites critical testing rather than acceptance’
  • Emphasis on means (process) rather than ends (product)
Photo by Alex Ristea


  • Focuses on active roles of teachers and learners
  • Emphasis on learning skills
  • Highlights on certain activities as important in themselves and for “life” such as the experiment skills
Photo by twinleaves


  • Neglect of considerations of learning context/conten
  • 'Problems' of teachers - quality and approach
  • No specific uniformity in what is taught
  • Process becomes product
Photo by ginnerobot

Suitable in Malaysia because;

  • actualizes the 21st century education style which is learner-centered and teachers as facilitators
  • promote HOTS - students' opinion and responses are taken into count
  • produce productive teachers and hence be more competent (fulfill PPPM)
Photo by John-Morgan

Suitable in Malaysia because;

  • long-lasting knowledge and skills can be passed down to generations (fulfills NEP)
  • produce child with proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia and English language as language is learned through process (exam focuses on reading and writing skill)
Photo by .Bala


Photo by funadium