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This is the first of four workshops to help you establish researcher identifiers to build your academic profile. If you are unable to attend one of these workshops Fransie is available to assist you face-to-face with setting up the remainder of the profiles
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Steps to building your academic profile

Published on Feb 28, 2016

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Steps to building your academic profile

Workshop One - 6 August 2015
This is the first of four workshops to help you establish researcher identifiers to build your academic profile. If you are unable to attend one of these workshops Fransie is available to assist you face-to-face with setting up the remainder of the profiles
Photo by { pranav }

Marketing yourself

Visibility/ Showcasing
Why market via researcher profile services?
There are costs and there are benefits to creating researcher profiles:
Benefit of creating profiles includes:
1. Easy access to your data
2. A way to market, attribute and share your data
Costs includes the investment in time to:
1. Collate personal and publication data
2. Maintaining to ensure accuracy (Provenance & attribution)

These Help with preventing the inaccurate representation of your work. Remember that with more openly available data, people might explore and find inaccurate data. You want to prevent that!

Research Profile products

  • ORCID (2012)
  • Scopus Author ID (Elsevier)
  • ResearcherID (Thomson Reuters)
  • Google Scholar Citations
  • Academic Social Networks products (1994-)
There are a number of researcher profile services available.
Researcher profile services makes it easy to show your research efforts and maintain a network of related researchers to collaborate with.
Some are commercial services, and bundles all kinds of features on their platforms.

Researchers need to engage and invest time to maintain the different profiles for ensuring quality of data.

We are not covering Academic Social Network products such as ResearchGate, SlideShare, Linkedin or Academia.edu in the first series of workshops.
They are products of a slightly different nature. ADN generally provide self-archiving features. It is possible to cover these in future.

Considerations for researchers

  • ORCID (not for profit) - easy and quick to setup (Notes available)
  • ResearcherID (Thomson Reuters)
  • Scopus Author ID (Elsevier)
  • Google Scholar Citations
Questions often asked:
Am I required to interact with them all?
Julie and I believe that these four will set you up well to become e-visible

Which will be optimal for me?
That depends on the context of you as a scholar and your research
But should be carefully evaluated

1. If you are planning to publish very soon an ORCID might be required by the publisher and a good idea
2. If the journals/ book series you have published in are indexed in Web of Science, a ResearcherID might be a good addition to ORCID
3. If you published in publications indexed in Scopus, you are likely to have a Scopus Author ID already assigned to you by Scopus
4. If you are very productive, perhaps a Mid-Career or senior level researcher some of your publications may not be covered in Web of Science (ResearcherID) or in Scopus (Scopus Author ID) extensively. GSC might be required to extend to for further access to research impact data.

We ask you to identify in the checklist which applies to you.

Access to complete verified data will help you in the research marketing process

Open Researcher & Contributor ID (ORCID)

  • An open/ independent system
  • portable
  • Links in with Minerva Elements (Institutional research management system)
ORCID is an open system that was built by multiple stakeholders in 2012. Currently there are 1.5 m ids

Provides a unique ID and a way to manage a record of various activities

It supports system-to-system communication and authentication - facilitates the aggregation of data across tools

ORCID (since 2012)

Not for profit
Benefits of ORCID
It allows you to attach your identity to research objects such as datasets, equipment, articles, patents, etc.

(It is fast growing; it is integrating with ID-generating platforms; It is increasing the functionality of integration;)

It is internationally visible; supports multiple languages (also of non-Anglophone countries)
it is increasingly mandated and endorsed and used by publishers within the publishing workflow

ORCID has become a global hub for tracking scholarly output - a type of 'digital CV'
Photo by dullhunk


Laurel L Haak, Executive Director, ORCID
We look at the profile of Laurel Haak, Executive Director of ORCID
We can see how his profile is linked to ResearcherID and to Scopus AuthorID and notice that his works includes more than Journal Articles, Book chapters and Conference papers. There are also data sets listed

As with a digital CV you will note that Funding (Grants) are also listed
Photo by woody1778a


Step 1: Create & Record your ORCID
You can always add more detail (including links) here, in the Notes:


Step 1: Create & Record your ORCID
Now is an opportunity to create your own ORCID in a supported environment.

Get started by using the Workshop guide as provided

Library and MERI staff is available if you need support

Scopus (Elsevier)

  • Launched in 2004
  • Massive database: 21,800 journal titles
  • More than 5 000 publishers

In the second part of this session we are going to look at the Scopus Author ID

Scopus is a direct competitor of Web of Science, was launched in 2004, and since developed into the largest commercial citation database.

Because Scopus Author IDs are auto-assigned you may find that if you have published a paper that is included in Scopus, you might already have a Scopus Author ID

It is also important to check that you don’t have multiple ids as Scopus Author IDs are assigned based on algorithms looking at co-citation patters, affiliations, field of research, etc and therefore can add more ids for you in error.

I am opening Scopus via the Library Homepage and the A-Z Database links, searching for Scopus in the Database search box and clicking the link at the top of the page

I also need to login with my University username and password

I use the Author Search tab – second on the left to search for profiles for Lyn Yates
If I include affiliation in my search it might prevent me from finding incorrect multiple profiles.

We can identify Lyn Yates' list of publication by looking at her affiliation and also by her research field as identified by Scopus

We are able to see how many of her publications are indexed in Scopus and also to go to the list of publications directly.

Clicking on her name here will lead me to her Scopus Author ID page with all available Scopus metrics for the linked publication as well as Author level metrics, such as H-Index in Scopus as well as a list of co-authors based on these number of publications

Scopus Author ID is a direct rival for ResearcherID. We will discuss Researcher ID in Workshop 2

You need to create your researcher id in Web of Science (Author initiated) but Scopus does this automatically.
Photo by TheArtGuy


Step 2: Record Author ID; Exchange Scopus metadata with ORCID
If you want to find your Scopus Author ID you can access Scopus via the Library Catalogue A-Z Journal and Database links

You will need to authenticate with your University of melbourne signon

We will help you find your Scopus Author ID

If you notice a second profile that may contain papers of yours I can help you with the interpretation and resolving the issue outside this session.

We will help you to link your Scopus Author ID and your ORCID so the Scopus data is shared with your ORCID

Next time you open your ORCID you will find that your Scopus Author ID is listed and that your papers/works from Scopus is also listed

Steps to building your academic profile

We will be offering further workshops during the next August Thursdays
If for any reason you are not able to attend any of these and require assistance, do not hesitate to contact Fransie as she can meet with you face-to-face for support

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Untitled Slide

Photo by mandiberg