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Steps to Civilation

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Steps to Civilation

By, Analiese Leo 7a

Hunting And Gathering

Photo by Stuart Barr

Early humans had to be resourceful and creative because they didn't know if they would get food all the time. People ate vegetation and game. They would use spears, baskets, traps and knives.

This gave them the chance to learn new things and always have a supply of food. This allowed them to become experts at their job.

Photo by wallygrom


It gave them a a supply of of food. When one farmer grew more than enough food, another farmer stopped farming and started something new.

With the supply of food this gave them the chance to learn other skills. Such as, art and weaving. It also gave them the chance to think about or build cities/towns.


With the cities the people finally started to settle down.

Photo by Werner Kunz

This evolved us to today.

Photo by <F.J>